Year-Round Whale Watching Is Here!

Year-round whale watching is here! After a fantastic humpback season, we’re excited to resume our year-round whale and dolphin adventures! We are frequently asked, “how is this possible”? In the spirit of simplicity, we’ve decided to lay it out! 

How can we see whales and dolphins year-round? 

Kona’s deep waters

The Big Island of Hawaii has unique marine topography; shallow coastlines that quickly drop off into deep water. Kona’s deep water is what we refer to as the pelagic zone, and this area is where we can find over a dozen species of year-round whales and dolphins! Deep water is abundant with life; there’s a reason Kona is one of the best sportfishing destinations in the world! 

Offshore-certified vessels

Fast, safe, and comfortable vessels. All of our tour boats are US Coast Guard offshore certified. This certification holds higher safety requirements and allows us to venture further offshore than other tours. By expanding the search to the pelagic zone, our wildlife encounters have untapped and uncapped potential. 

3-4 hour tours

More time on the water means greater potential for wildlife! Our 3-4 hour duration offers the optimal amount of time to search for and spend time with Kona’s marine life. Every trip is different, and every search is new. Welcome to wildlife watching in the wild! 

No fixed routes 

Marine life is always on the move, so why wouldn’t we be? A true wildlife search is just that, a search. The adventure begins the moment we leave the dock, and our route changes minute by minute. We work hard to find as much as we can on every adventure, and having a flexible route allows us to be incredibly successful! 

Interested in experiencing these tours?

Join us, experts with over 25 years of experience running professional wildlife tours. Hawaiian Adventure’s tours provide the best opportunity to explore Kona’s coast and the wildlife beneath the waves. Our top-notch vessels, experienced crew, and oceanic expertise will make your Big Island adventure unforgettable.

If you’ve been on other tours, you’ll appreciate the Hawaiian Adventures difference.


Whale & Wildlife Report | April 7-13, 2024


Whale & Wildlife Report | March 17-23, 2024